From a young age, I always knew that I wanted to help people. At 19 years old, I started volunteering for a crisis hotline. On the hotline, I spoke with hundreds of individuals who felt anxious, depressed, suicidal, and self-harming. This experience inspired me to declare a major in Social Work.
Throughout my time in social services, I attended child welfare home visits, led support groups for recovering substance users, provided career services to people on public assistance, and tutored youth who had entered the justice system. I graduated from Silberman School of Social Work, one of the top social work schools in New York City, and I had good evaluations from most supervisors. I was proud of my work. I never imagined that life would take me in another direction.
However, as the years went on, a feeling lingered in my mind that there was something “more.” During my teenage years, I was an avid student of yoga and meditation. Growing into young adulthood, books about Buddhism, astrology, chakras, and reincarnation started to line my bookshelf. I began attending Shamanic circles, cacao ceremonies, Reiki Shares, and tarot card expos. I was developing an interest in mysticism and esoteric studies. I never imagined that, one day in the near future, I would become a hypnosis practitioner. However, that’s exactly what happened, as I journeyed deeper into the sense of “more” that I felt.
I became a practitioner because I myself received hypnosis sessions about twice a year. Hypnosis was a huge source of guidance and wisdom for me when I was trying to figure myself out spiritually. After receiving sessions, I always felt more clearheaded about my career, life decisions, and personal relationships. It got to a point where I was reading Dolores Cannon’s books every night before bed. So, I decided to get certified and share her modality with others.
In the beginning, I thought hypnosis would be just a hobby, and something to do casually over the weekend with friends. But this new hobby gained momentum fast. After only a few months, I was booked solid with 2-3 sessions per week. People were referring their friends to me and finding me online. At first, I didn’t understand why this was happening, and I struggled to balance my hypnosis practice with my regular 9-5 job. However, after some time of reflection, I realized that holistic modalities such as hypnosis were part of my true calling, the elusive sense of “more” that I chased.
I started to feel bored with my weekday job and longed for weekends when I could do hypnosis sessions. I started to feel exhausted working seven days a week, balancing my traditional job on weekdays with my hypnosis practice on weekends. To cope with all the stress, I stopped eating meat and dairy. I found that when I practiced a plant based diet, I had much more energy to face the day. Then, I started doing yoga daily. Eventually, I got a scholarship to yoga teacher training. And after becoming a certified yoga teacher, I quit my office job to start on the path of working remotely.
My rapid transformation from social worker, to vegetarian freelance hypnosis practitioner and yoga teacher, taught me that everyone is on their own path. We cannot judge others for the choices that they make. All we can do is embody our own values and, hopefully, inspire others along the way. If we want to live in a more empowered and more intuitive world, then that world starts with us, one example at a time. Welcome to the ‘Third Wave.’ Those of us who read Dolores Cannon’s book, “Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth,” might understand what that is all about 😉 For those who don’t understand, we embrace you with open arms. And I am honored to assist you in your healing journey. Namaste.